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Mylinda S. Moore, MSW

CHIP of Virginia Director

804.783.2667 Ext 102


Virginia’s Comprehensive Health Investment Project (CHIP)
offers a practical example of taking a whole-family approach.
This successful program – which pairs families with integrated

teams of registered nurses and parent educators, goes beyond
the usual focus on maternal and infant health. 


Visits from a registered nurse promote healthy pregnancies and help parents of young children take a proactive approach to their child’s health and development as well as their own health and family stability.  CHIP of Virginia (CHIP) nurses work with families, and local medical and dental providers to increase access to, and successful use, of healthcare resources.  A parent educator uses the Parents As Teachers Curriculum with participants to build important skills, such as creating routines, engaging in early learning activities that promote school readiness and using positive discipline approaches.  Educators also assist families with achieving self-sufficiency goals, such as getting a driver’s license, earning a GED or certification or pursuing higher education— all of which smooth pathways to employment. CHIP regularly sees a 40% increase in the number of families with one or both parents working at least part time after a year in the program.  


Addressing child and parent challenges simultaneously strengthens families and places them on firmer ground. This gives children a more solid footing from the start, greatly improving their chances of charting a better course.  CHIP supports children and families through a two-generation approach...changing lives two generations at a time. 


Portions of this summary of CHIP of Virginia were originally published by the Annie E. Casey Foundation.




CHIP Works. Here's How: 

  • Improved parenting knowledge and skills

  • Increased school readiness

  • Fewer babies born at low birth weight when mothers enroll in CHIP before the third trimester of pregnancy

  • Improved birth spacing

  • Increased enrollment in health insurance, use of a primary care doctor, and increase number of children who are up to date or on track on immunizations

  • Reduction in unmet healthcare needs such medications, eyeglasses, family planning, mental health care and dental care

  • Reduced hospitalizations and ER visits among enrolled children

  • Enhanced family self-sufficiency, including increased employment, fewer moves, and fewer unmet food needs

CHIP Programs


Child Health Partnership

Communities Served: Charlottesville, Albemarle,

Louisa and Fluvanna


Jon Nafziger, Executive Director


1469 Greenbrier Place

Charlottesville, VA  22901


CHIP of South Hampton Roads

Communities Served: Cities of Chesapeake, Norfolk, Portsmouth, Virginia Beach, Franklin and Suffolk; Counties of Isle of White, Southampton, Surry and Sussex


Trish O’Brien, President and CEO


1302 Jefferson Street
Chesapeake, VA 23324


CHIP of New River Valley

Communities Served: Radford, Floyd, Montgomery,

Pulaski, Giles and Wythe


Stephanie Bryson

Director of Community Services

540-633-5133 ext. 418


Patty Hall

CHIP/PAT Coordinator


206 Third Avenue

Radford, VA 24141


CHIP of Greater Richmond and Petersburg

Family Lifeline

Communities Served: Richmond, Henrico, Petersburg


Alex Rooke, Director of Early Childhood Programs

2325 West Broad Street

Richmond, VA 23220


Hannah Shuck, CHIP Program Manager

2325 West Broad Street
Richmond, VA 23220


Richmond: 804-282-4255     

Petersburg: 804-733-9961


CHIP of Roanoke Valley

Communities Served: City of Roanoke, Salem,

Roanoke County, Bedford County, Botetourt County, Craig County


Rachel Hopkins, CEO

1201 3rd Street, SW

Roanoke, VA  24016



CHIP of Southwest Virginia

People Incorporated

Communities Served: City of Bristol, Buchanan,

Dickinson, Russell, and Washington Counties


Jaclyn Gilliam, Coordinator


People Inc. of Virginia

1173 West Main Street

Abingdon, VA  24210


New River Valley

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Success Stories

CHIP of Virginia Success Stories

Click here to view Success Story video from Family Lifeline
and Lucas Templeton Productions.  

They have helped me to become a good mom and be proud of myself. I went back to school to get my GED and am taking college classes so I can be a dependable employee and support my family."

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