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Healing Centered Organizations (HCO's) in Virginia

The Virginia General Assembly dedicated a portion of the Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds to support the work of Trauma-Informed Community Networks (TICNs) in Virginia. In addition to funding a statewide public awareness campaign, a portion of this funding supported agencies and organizations to plan and implement activities to become healing-centered organizations.

Participating Agencies:

  • Crater Health District

  • New River Valley Child Advocacy, Resources, Education, and Services

  • Greater Richmond Stop Child Abuse Now

  • United Way of Southwest Virginia

  • United Way of the Virginia Peninsula

Healing Centered Organizations (HCOs) have been busy these last few months learning how to create and implement a trauma-informed framework within their organization. Most of the HCOs have already begun implementing a trauma-informed agency self-assessment (TIASA) within their organizations. This assessment will provide data on priority areas on which to focus to become more trauma-informed and healing centered. Participating organizations are also convening internal Trauma-Informed Leadership Teams (TILTs). The OTRP is working in a technical assistance role, providing coaching, and coordinating training, for the HCOs.


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